Monday, April 13, 2009

Tensions, Alliances, and War

Prior to World War One, Otto von Bismarck devised a series of alliances in an attempt to keep peace. These alliances drew more and more countries into the war until it was a full-scale war. The effects were devastating. Also, tensions with Germany prior to the war were not addressed and left to boil over. Even if Franz Ferdinand had not been assassinated Germany would still have launched its attack.

This past summer, Russia invaded the small country of Georgia. Tensions in Georgia, especially over joining NATO, aggravated Russia who did not want Georgia to join NATO. Also, Georgia wished to escape Russian aggression by itself after being rejected by NATO. Both sides armed themselves and Georgia being a strong ally of the United States drew us into the argument. Tensions ran similar to the Cold War and could have erupted into another war of superpowers.

This lesson from WWI has the potential to avoid some world conflicts and possibly some wars. Tensions should be dealt with before they go to the brink and turn into conflicts and wars. It also reinforces George Washington's farewell speech warning against entangling alliances.

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