Thursday, May 14, 2009

Meeting of the Minds I

Anne Frank was a Jewish girl in her early teens. She led a normal life being born into an upper-middle class family with one older sister, Margot. Her greatest challenges were going to school and growing up. Then, she heard rumors of Jewish ghettos and Germany's campaign against the Jews.

In a matter of three days, her life changed completely. Her parents, the Van Daans, and Mr. Koophuis are rushing around secretively to move into hiding. Anne's family and the Van Daans now live behind a cupboard and in the attic of an office building. They cannot be discovered because the SS will take them or kill them as soon as they are found. They only took with them what they could carry. Her parents arranged for their other belongings to be given to friends for safe-keeping becuase the SS takes Jewish belongings.

Living conditions were cramped especially with eight people. They had to have the shades drawn all the time so they were not seen moving around. They had to restrict their movement so they are not heard. They had to rotate shower times and pick places to take them becuase they did not have a perminant shower. Every knock or voice coming from the rest of the building struck fear that the SS had found them. Margot, Anne and Peter (the Van Daan's son) had to have a private tutor in order for them to be able to continue school. Their meals were carefully calculated and none could be wasted.

After business hours, they snuck down to an office to listen to the radio. They heard on the English radio about the death camps, more and more Jews being moved to the camp by cattle carts, and the gas chambers. Mr. Koophuis told hem news he heard on the streets and updates on thier friends' activities when he visited them. As time went on, the news became more and more disturbing.

Anne Frank was a normal teenager just like any other. However, her life took a turn that no teenager should have to face. Anne Frank was a Jew; a target or genocide.

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