Sunday, May 17, 2009

Self Reflection

I think I did well with this class. My strengths were organization (especially my notebook), creativity for projects, and good writing skills. My weaknesses were time management and sometimes motivation because history is not one of my favorite subjects. Another weakness was not understanding some of the material. History is not one of my strengths and sometimes I do not understand it.

This course was much more involved and in-depth than other social studies courses I have taken. Having more pieces of the puzzle helped me understand history a little better than I did in my other social studies classes. Also, looking at the different aspects of history like art history and society idea of just political and military history helped me to better understand what was going on during the different periods of history.

I have learned quite a few skills that will help me in the future. Probably most important would be time management to get my work done on time. Also, with my notebook I learned how to better organize material for class. I greatly improved in preparing and giving presentations and speaking in debates. In addition, I have learned how to tell what to study and how to study better. This class has helped me greatly prepare for college and my future.

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